Ozzy Osbourne cut off his daughter’s underwear while her friends watched.
Kelly Osbourne was left mortified as a teenager when the Black Sabbath rocker objected to the skimpy thong her mother Sharon had bought her and insisted on forcibly removing the garment.
Kelly said: 'One time, mum bought me thongs instead of big knickers. As I bent down, dad bellowed, 'Kelly, you’re wearing a thong, Kelly? Thongs are for wh***s.’
'I jumped out of my skin. He pinned me down and cut off my thong in front of my school friends. They were standing there, mouths wide open as this piece of material no bigger than a string of dental floss was yanked out of my jeans.
'I died of embarrassment and burst into tears. Mum was hunched over the sink, laughing her head off, screeching, 'Ozzy! No!’ '
The incident was not the only time Ozzy embarrassed Kelly in front of her friends – but the presenter insists she didn’t mind, even when he chased her pals round the family garden wearing just his pants.
The 24-year-old star explained in her autobiography 'Fierce’: 'Parents are parents and they embarrass you all the time. At my 13th birthday party, dad was really drunk, chasing everyone round in his underwear and a military hat.
'All my friends were screaming and running around. It was crazy fun.
'One time dad dressed as a werewolf and locked my friends in the garden shed. The kids were crying and mum had to call their parents to come and collect them.'